I am a bisexual woman writing mostly about gay men falling in love. This site is a safe place for anyone interested in such things, whether just to read the stories, or to find someone of like mind to talk to.
I know when I was younger, it would have been so different to have someone to talk to about what I was feeling. I had questions that didn’t seem to have answers anywhere I looked. It was a different time, (not that I’m that old! lol!) and the idea a person could be attracted to men and/or women wasn’t one that even existed in the environment I was growing up in. Much of what I thought I understood about myself on the inside just didn’t have any context out in the world. It was hard to be so invisible surrounded by a huge and gregarious family, when everything on the outside seemed so clearly defined. There were a lot of things that I wish I had know then that I have since figured out, thanks to some very kind and generous people who took the time to listen. If I can pass that forward in any way, I will.
If you’re having issues, need advice, or just need someone to listen to you, please, feel free to contact me, or find what you need at any of the links listed below. Trust me, however things look now, I promise, it does get better. We’re here to help.